Sunday, January 25, 2015

Who Am I

Well let’s start off with my name. My name is Petey, Why the name Petey well it’s simple he’s a great character from a great movie. And in the movie I noticed certain things about his personality that fit mine.

You see I don’t handle being yelled at well. It actually makes me do whatever I’m doing worse. So when I watch Remember the Titans I can relate and I love that.

But that is not saying that when the going gets tough I quit no I’m actually quite the opposite when things get tough that’s when I seem to fight hard.

People say about me that I’m a peace maker that I seem to want to make everyone and everything around perfect and everyone loves each other.

There is only 1 problem with that……………That’s not possible.

So I Deal with it life’s hard sometimes.

Who Am I?

I’m a human like everyone else

There is something that I have learned about us humans.

“People are like retractable pencils if you push them to hard there going to brake.”

Just saying.

Welcome to my blog.


  1. Ha ha. I thought you were talking about the fantastic mr. fox.

  2. You're killing me petey
